11 Things To Do Before Starting As An Uber Driver

If you’re thinking about driving for Uber there’s a lot you need to do before you start. You need to prepare your car and insurance, get set up for your Uber taxes and much more. So here we’ve created your ultimate checklist before signing up as an Uber driver.

By |2024-06-28T08:45:16+00:00March 7th, 2020|Tax|10 Comments

Uber ABN’s Explained – How To Get An ABN for Uber & UberEats

All Uber and UberEats drivers must have an ABN. But if it’s your first time being self-employed then you’ve probably never had an ABN before, so there’s a lot to learn. In this article I’ll explain what an ABN is, the ATO’s ABN rules for Uber and UberEats drivers, and how to apply for an Uber ABN.

By |2024-06-28T11:08:26+00:00March 7th, 2020|Tax|49 Comments

Uber GST Explained – The Complete Guide to GST for Uber Drivers

If you're a new or prospective Uber driver, chances are this is your first time dealing with GST. Uber GST can be complex because the rules are different than for most Australian small businesses. So in this blog post I’ll explain the rules on whether you have to register for GST as an Uber driver, how GST on your rideshare income is calculated, and how to lodge your Uber BAS to the ATO.

By |2024-06-28T11:08:28+00:00March 3rd, 2020|Tax|71 Comments

PAYG Instalments for Uber Drivers

If the ATO has applied a PAYG Instalment to your Uber BAS for the first time, it can sometimes be a shock. Why are they suddenly asking for this extra money? But actually PAYG Instalments are a good thing, as long as you're prepared. In this post I'll explain what Uber PAYG Instalments are, why the ATO has applied them to your BAS, and the best way to manage them.

By |2024-06-28T11:08:30+00:00March 3rd, 2020|Tax|10 Comments

Uber Tax Explained – The Ultimate Guide to Tax for Uber & Rideshare

Uber taxes are a big learning curve for most Uber drivers. The ATO's rideshare tax rules are complicated, and if you don't keep the right records and save for your tax bill as you go, you may find yourself with an unexpected bill at tax time. So in this post, I'm going to explain everything you need to know to manage your Uber taxes step-by-step so you're prepared for tax time.

By |2024-06-28T11:08:34+00:00March 2nd, 2020|Tax|40 Comments

Uber BAS Explained – Ultimate Guide to BAS’s for Uber & Rideshare

If you’re an Uber or rideshare driver, you’ve no doubt heard that you must lodge a BAS to the ATO each quarter. But if you’re like most Uber drivers, it’s your first time running your own business and dealing with GST. Figuring out how to lodge your Uber BAS for the first time can be a challenge. So in this post I’m going to deep dive into BAS’s for Uber and rideshare drivers. I’ll explain how GST is calculated on your Uber and rideshare income, all the rideshare GST claims you can make, examples of what the Uber BAS statement looks like, and how to lodge your Uber BAS to the ATO.

By |2024-06-28T11:08:36+00:00February 23rd, 2020|Tax|70 Comments

Is Uber A Taxi Service?

The ATO have deemed Uber to be taxi service under GST law, but not a taxi service under FBT laws. But can we really blame the ATO? Our tax laws written before smartphones were even invented. And so with the advent of rideshare we're suddenly left with an unfortunate contradiction that disadvantages Uber drivers. Only the Federal Government has the power to update our tax laws for the 21st century.

By |2024-06-07T02:49:38+00:00July 10th, 2019|Tax|19 Comments

Buying A Car For Uber

As an Uber Driver, your car is your most critical business asset, so it’s important to understand the tax implications before you buy a new car for Uber. In this article we'll explore all of the key tax issues around buying a car for Uber, including the Instant Asset Write-Off (did you know it comes with a nasty sting in the tail?), claiming GST, your different options for finance, buying new vs used, loans vs leases, the requirements for your invoice, and more.

By |2024-06-28T11:09:13+00:00April 3rd, 2018|Tax|236 Comments

Tax for UberEats & Food Delivery Drivers

This article is our Complete Guide to Tax for UberEats and Food Delivery Drivers and Riders. Learn about applying for an ABN, and whether or not you need to register for GST. Find out how to claim deductions on your car or bike, including the requirements for keeping a logbook. And understand what lodgments you need to make to the ATO as a food delivery driver.

By |2024-06-28T11:08:38+00:00April 12th, 2017|Tax|294 Comments

Seven Steps To Sorting Your Uber & Rideshare Tax Obligations

This post is the ultimate guide to Tax and GST for new Uber drivers. Learn how to get registered with the ATO, how to keep a logbook, what Uber tax deductions you can claim to minimise tax, and how to lodge your BAS's and tax return to the ATO. Everything Uber & rideshare drivers need to know to get started managing their Uber taxes in seven simple steps.

By |2024-06-28T07:39:11+00:00February 3rd, 2016|Tax|34 Comments